‘Fun, Fitness and Friends’- Yeehaw! The Benefits of Line Dancing


Want to get fit, make new friends and have lots of fun doing it? Line dancing could be just the thing for you!

Line Dancing isn’t simply a form of dance, and it isn’t simply just a way to get some exercise. It is a way to improve your overall well- being and outlook, be more active, socialise and develop new creative skills. Many who start out taking a few classes soon find that they love the music, love the physical work out and make some great friends along the way. 

The Health Benefits:

Dancing has been proven to improve your cardiovascular fitness, boost your brainpower, improve your mood, and contribute to your body’s overall well-being.

According to a study in Circulation: Heart Failure people with cardiac conditions who danced for just 20 minutes three times a week saw their heart health improve significantly more than those who stuck to traditional cardio workouts. 

Possibly the best part about dancing is that it also benefits your mind. Following dance steps gives your memory, coordination, and focus areas an intense workout, which is hugely important because an active brain, is a healthy and happy brain 🙂

We are holding a FREE LINE DANCING CLASS here at Source Health and Fitness with our expert instructor Helen Conroy from Line Dance Ireland on Thursday April 3rd 2014 from 9.45am to 10.45. Come along and give it a try, you’ll be happy you did!

Contact us on 021 4505128 or email us at info@sourcehealthandfitness.com to book your spot.


 10 Reasons to Participate in Line Dancing Class:

  1.              Line Dancing keeps your body and the brain active, vital for people of every age.
  2.              Line Dancing offers a unique way to improve strength and flexibility.
  3.              Starting a fun new hobby can help you meet new people and make friends with people who have similar interests.
  4.              Line Dancing improving your posture and balance
  5.              Taking part in a Line Dancing class can help to reduce stress levels.
  6.              Line Dancing can offer insight into other cultures, either through the dance style itself or meeting new people.
  7.              Participating in Line Dancing class can help increase your self esteem and confidence through mastering new skills.
  8.              Line Dancing offers a creative outlet for people to express their personalities in a safe environment.
  9.              Dance is a fun way open up new possibilities, keep healthy and enjoy yourself.
  10.              You’ll be ready when Garth Brooks comes to town! 🙂