CND Vinylux: The Solar-Powered Seven Day Manicure now in Cork at Source Health & Beauty


CND Vinylux is basically an excellent normal nail polish system that’s being heralded as a game changer. Using the colour and top coats in tandem gives a manicure that lasts for 7 days chip-free, can be applied in salon or at home, dries in a lightening fast 8 ½ minutes, and removes easily with a swipe of acetone-based nail polish remover, just like your normal polish.

Where normal polishes become brittle and deteriorate, the idea is that Vinylux will toughen with time.

All in all it sounds perfect but how did it fare in a wear test?

Mary O Brien from Glanmire tells us…..’it was a straightforward file & polish, just like normal polish, although if you have very ridged nails be warned that Vinylux does little to disguise them. After about 4 days, I started to notice a little even tip wear along the free edge of my nails, but to my surprise it didn’t get very much worse in the days that followed. Nor did it lead to chipping.

In a week where I gardened and did some heavy duty house tidying, I can report that I suffered exactly one chip – to the index finger that I caught in the door of the dishwasher. Otherwise, they looked damn nearly as good on day 7 as they had on day 1, and I am hard on my hands (at the moment, I could typically expect to get 3 days tops out of a manicure.)Suffice to say, I’m well impressed.

Vinylux is now available at Source Health & Beauty for an additional cost of €5 on regular treatments

File & Vinylux polish €20          Manicure with Vinylux polish €35

Pedicure with Vinylux polish €45

Source Health & Fitness is a fitness and leisure centre located on the grounds of Silversprings Hotel in Cork

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