Zumba in Cork Rocks with Mariusz (Mario) Rys

Zumba 1

 Zumba has taken the fitness world be storm. Even those who loathe working out find themselves working up a sweat and having fun with this high impact dance based workout. There’s nothing like cranking up the music and letting your body go, and Zumba does just that, working your core, thighs and butt in the process.

At Source Health & Fitness we find our Wednesday nights @ 7pm and Friday Mornings @11am are simply amazing with the maestro Mariusz (Mario) Rys.

Note; Our Friday morning classes finish up for the month of August.

What to wear?

You can wear any type of fitness clothes- sweat pants, shorts, tank tops, t-shirts… anything comfortable and cool. As for shoes- wear cross trainers or dance shoes. Just keep in mind if the bottom of your shoes ‘Look like a tyre’ on the bottom- eg. Running shoes, do not wear them in class. These type of shoes make ‘side to side’ moves quite difficult.

What if I am not co-ordinated and I can’t dance!!!!

Be patient and don’t get frustrated! Ok, we admit the first few classes may be frustrating, because you may not know the songs and will not know the teaching style of your instructor. You may feel like you have two-left-feet, but I assure you after you attend a few times you will catch on!!!

What if I’m out of shape and I can’t keep up?

Know your body!!! Most people know their limits. If not, see your doctor before attempting any form of exercise. Always work out at your own pace until you are comfortable with the routine/exercise.

What kind of people are in your Zumba Class?

People of all fitness abilities, ages, sizes and nationalities take Zumba Classes.

For the Zumba programme and full program information on all our classes check out www.sourcehealthandfitness.com

Source Health & Fitness is located on the grounds of Silversprings Hotel, Tivoli, Cork

Triathlon training in Cork….25 Metre Pool in Cork….Source Health And Fitness has it covered.

Does the length of the pool really matter when training

The answer is a resounding yes!!!!

So, why does a pool length matter so much? The answer is tumble turns and starts. The shorter the pool length, the more tumble turns are needed to go the same distance. Also, the ratio of time spent performing tumble turns compared to time spent swimming is higher. This is very important, because tumble turns and starts have the benefit of being faster. You can push off the wall with greater speed than you can swim. In addition, tumble turns allow swim specific muscles a momentary pause. This pause allows for a faster recovery compared to continuous swimming.

There are also physiological differences that come into play, particularly when comparing Shorter pools to a longer pool. In a shorter pool, even mid-level triathletes are swimming a length in 20 seconds. This is barely enough time to engage the anaerobic system, which isn’t needed much unless the exertion is more than about 15seconds. By the time the anaerobic system gets engaged, you have to do a tumble turn, get a momentary rest, and then get to start the next length fresh.

So, why does all this matter to you? It is important because open water triathlon or endurance swimming has no tumble turns or resting periods. Thus, training regularly in a longer pool will provide more open-water specific benefits for most workouts.

If you cannot swim in open water or Olympic pools, should you just pack it in and leave triathlons to the pros? Absolutely not! There are many world class swimmers who train most of the year in 25 metre pools even though their primary races are in a open water or Olympic sized pools.

If Triathlons are your thing and you are training in a 25 metre pool, don’t worry too much about faster tumble turns and underwater kicking. You want to be proficient in turns so you don’t hit your head on the wall. Instead, focus more on improving your swimming ability to turn in faster pool times. And, it is okay to skip tumble turns altogether and use open turns. Another strategy is to skip the turns altogether by swimming lengths and turning around without your feet ever touching the wall. This is a tremendously challenging workout as it involves constant stopping and starting making it almost impossible to establish a rhythm. If you focus on the swim and not the walls, you can go a long way to increasing your swimming endurance.

Bottom line- when training for pool or sea events – the longer the pool the more swimming endurance you will build up.

For more expert swimming advice, contact Eilis Burns– renowned Swimming Coach with Source Health & Fitness, Located on the grounds of Silversprings Hotel, Silversprings, Tivoli, Cork

CND Vinylux: The Solar-Powered Seven Day Manicure now in Cork at Source Health & Beauty


CND Vinylux is basically an excellent normal nail polish system that’s being heralded as a game changer. Using the colour and top coats in tandem gives a manicure that lasts for 7 days chip-free, can be applied in salon or at home, dries in a lightening fast 8 ½ minutes, and removes easily with a swipe of acetone-based nail polish remover, just like your normal polish.

Where normal polishes become brittle and deteriorate, the idea is that Vinylux will toughen with time.

All in all it sounds perfect but how did it fare in a wear test?

Mary O Brien from Glanmire tells us…..’it was a straightforward file & polish, just like normal polish, although if you have very ridged nails be warned that Vinylux does little to disguise them. After about 4 days, I started to notice a little even tip wear along the free edge of my nails, but to my surprise it didn’t get very much worse in the days that followed. Nor did it lead to chipping.

In a week where I gardened and did some heavy duty house tidying, I can report that I suffered exactly one chip – to the index finger that I caught in the door of the dishwasher. Otherwise, they looked damn nearly as good on day 7 as they had on day 1, and I am hard on my hands (at the moment, I could typically expect to get 3 days tops out of a manicure.)Suffice to say, I’m well impressed.

Vinylux is now available at Source Health & Beauty for an additional cost of €5 on regular treatments

File & Vinylux polish €20          Manicure with Vinylux polish €35

Pedicure with Vinylux polish €45


Source Health & Fitness is a fitness and leisure centre located on the grounds of Silversprings Hotel in Cork